Hi! I’m Becki Foster! Welcome to the Rafter T and Me!

I love coffee, anything pasta, shotgun shooting, pretty dishes, riding the 4 wheeler and baking pies!

I’m a farmer’s daughter and a rancher’s wife and my husband and I live on his family’s ranch in west Texas. Life on the ranch is certainly not glamorous and usually involves dirt, thorns and manure. But the rugged beauty and entertaining calamities make it all worth it! And it’s always an adventure!

Growing up in Missouri, I learned to cook from my mom. She taught me that even a simple dinner can be special! And it doesn’t have to be expensive to be a celebration. I have carried that with me and am excited to share my recipes with you to create your own everyday special occasions! Of course, all my recipes have to be full of flavor to make the list! A little spice, but mostly just really good flavor!

The Rafter T and Me is a blog focused on sharing adventures of life on the ranch from rounding up sheep to delicious recipes and some fun life stories along the way. So grab a cup of coffee and jump on the 4 wheeler with me! I have lots of stories to share!