Latch the Ranch Dog

I want to introduce you to Latch! Latch is a true working ranch dog! He is part Australian Shepherd and part border collie. And he has my whole heart!!

I know that he loves me too and even misses me when I am gone, but let’s be honest…I am chopped liver compared to how much he loves Justin! And I admit that it’s truly special to see the bond between these two. If Latch wakes up to find that Justin has gone in the other room, he immediately puts his nose to the ground to go find him! He even lays outside the bathroom door when Justin is in there. Basically the two are inseparable. Part of Latch’s job is keeping Justin company, because taking care of the ranch can be a lonely job.

When Justin and I were first getting to know each other, my first visit to the ranch was a very big deal and there was a lot riding on what Latch would think of me. I wasn’t worried, because I have always loved dogs, and my dad always had a hunting dog that was also a family pet growing up. And at our first meeting everything was fine. Nothing spectacular, but nothing bad either.

On the second day of my visit, we loaded up in the ranch truck to go ride around and check water. This is an older truck with a bench seat. (In case you are too young to have experienced a bench seat, the seat goes all the way across the front without an arm rest or console in the middle. And it’s great for snuggling with your honey!) So Justin drove, Latch in the middle and me riding shotgun. Keep in mind that normally Latch rides shotgun so I was technically in his seat. I wasn’t sure how he would feel about that!

After about 10 minutes of riding along, Latch snuggled up beside me and laid his chin on my leg and went to sleep. I tried to nonchalantly look over at Justin to see his reaction. The man looked befuddled and actually a little shocked! I think he was having one of those “oh sh&% moments”. If the dog liked me that much, then things must be serious and we had entered new relationship territory! Needless to say, it worked out!

But let me tell you a little more about what a great dog and friend Latch is! This dog actually looks forward to working! And he is a hard worker. He will work until you tell him to stop; and if Justin is working, Latch is working. He could also play fetch for days!!! And LOVES to ride on the back of the 4 wheeler with Justin working sheep. It is so cool to look way across a pasture and see the two of them zooming along rounding up sheep and Latch is hanging on for all he’s worth and loving every minute of it!

Latch’s world changed when I moved to the ranch, but I would say in a good way. He was introduced to store bought treats for the first time! Before that the only treat was the occasional scrap from when they would grill steaks. And now Latch sleeps inside every night; not just when it is really cold. He has 2 dog beds. One in the living room and one in the bedroom. He even sleeps on a Serta dog bed at night. Some hardcore cowboys would say I was babying him too much. And maybe I am, but he works so hard! And when he wags his tail at me in the morning when I come into the living room with my coffee, it is all worth it; even sweeping up buckets of white dog hair!

Did I mention that I’m a proud dog mom?


  1. Stephanie
    October 31, 2018 / 2:40 pm

    Will had the BEST time playing fetch with Latch this spring!

  2. Nora Dinse
    October 31, 2018 / 2:42 pm

    Awww! Love it!

  3. Rochelle Surat
    October 31, 2018 / 3:28 pm

    I love love love this!!!🐶🐕

  4. Tara S
    October 31, 2018 / 4:15 pm

    What a great picture of Latch! Looking forward to reading more!

  5. bob
    October 31, 2018 / 4:53 pm

    great reading about your great relationships with Latch and the anxiety of meeting and winning over a trusted dogchild.

  6. EJ Billings
    October 31, 2018 / 8:53 pm

    Beautiful pictures Becki and throughly enjoying your blog.

  7. Jane
    November 1, 2018 / 10:04 pm

    Great story! I love the emotion…and I feel the same about our Wrex.

  8. Angela Billings
    November 2, 2018 / 2:53 am

    Awww…what a great blog about Latch!!

  9. Diane
    November 2, 2018 / 3:44 am

    I love it! What a good dog he is!

  10. Shelly
    November 2, 2018 / 12:05 pm

    This is good Beck! Love it! Keep it going.

  11. November 3, 2018 / 9:27 pm

    I love Latch so much, and I have never met him! Haha. 12/10 Good Boy Rating <3

    I also love reading about your ranch life. Your story is so inspiring!

  12. Lacey
    November 11, 2018 / 2:32 pm

    Becki, so happy I found you!!!!! You are the best thing to happen to Justin and Latch. Of course I am biased. You look happy and oh-so-beautiful. Here’s a happy warm hug from Topeka. So much love to you!!!