Welcome to the Ranch!

My name is Becki; and I live on a ranch in the middle of nowhere with my husband, Justin (he’s the Rafter T). This is Justin’s family’s ranch in west Texas, right on the Mexico border. I moved here about five years ago from Kansas after meeting Justin and falling in love! And yes, we met online!

There is so much I want to tell you about the ranch and our life here, but we have lots of time for that! I am sure I will be talking about the ranch a lot!! Requests for these stories from my Kansas and Missouri friends is actually what inspired me to start this blog!

So let’s back up just a little bit to give you an idea of where I come from and what led me to Texas! I grew up on a farm in Northwest Missouri. We raised corn and soybeans and had a few cows when I was younger. We farmed in the Missouri River valley, or as we called it, the Missouri River bottoms. I always knew I wanted to stay connected to agriculture in some way, but knew I wasn’t going to be an actual farmer. I was comfortable with being a farmer’s daughter, but always loved to talk about agriculture!

And that’s exactly what I have done with my career ever since! And then I decided to try out an online dating site for farmers/ranchers and started a long distance romance with a sheep and goat rancher in west Texas! So now I’m a rancher’s wife and still talking about agriculture. Of course, there are a few other topics thrown in too!

Life on a ranch in the middle of nowhere is very different from the small farm in Missouri where I grew up and where I lived for almost 14 years in Topeka, KS. And this life is certainly an adventure! I’m excited to share some stories along the way!

Here’s an idea of what to look forward to:

  • Recipes of course, including menus and entertaining tips!
  • Sheep and goat ranching calamities
  • 4 wheeling adventures
  • Pictures of the ruggedly beautiful ranch along the Rio Grande
  • Random bits—A few west Texas ranch wisecracks and wisdom
  • And anything else that I find entertaining!

I hope you enjoy the journey following along with me and my honey, the Rafter T! (He’s going to just love that I am calling him “honey” on here!!)


  1. Sara Steever
    October 31, 2018 / 1:18 pm

    Becki – so glad you launched your blog, I’m looking forward to your stories!

  2. October 31, 2018 / 1:20 pm

    I can’t wait to hear more! Your website is beautiful. Thanks for creating this and letting us in on your exciting life!

  3. Billie Foster
    October 31, 2018 / 1:25 pm


  4. Linda Williams
    October 31, 2018 / 1:40 pm

    Can’t wait for more stories and photos!

  5. Natalie Foster
    October 31, 2018 / 1:46 pm

    This is AMAZING! Thanks for the add!

    October 31, 2018 / 2:04 pm

    This is great! Can’t wait to read more!

  7. Shannon Hunnicutt
    October 31, 2018 / 2:12 pm

    You’ve created a beautiful site! Can’t wait!

  8. Stephanie
    October 31, 2018 / 2:38 pm

    HURRAY! Congrats on getting this launched!

  9. Nora
    October 31, 2018 / 2:39 pm

    So glad you are doing this! Love your story and pictures!!

  10. Shonda
    October 31, 2018 / 2:53 pm

    Bring it, Girly! I have no doubt you’ll have me smiling and laughing, even though we are miles apart! Love you!

  11. Rochelle Surat
    October 31, 2018 / 3:30 pm

    So Awesome! I loved reading this. I am so looking forward to more! Congrats!

  12. Terri Carroll
    October 31, 2018 / 4:36 pm

    I’ve been so looking forward to your blog! Can’t wait for more.

  13. Sarah
    November 1, 2018 / 3:20 am

    I can’t wait to hear more!

  14. Tammy
    November 1, 2018 / 11:59 am

    So looking forward to reading about the ranch and your journey!! How exciting!!

  15. Shelia Lampe
    November 1, 2018 / 9:01 pm

    I’m so excited that you started this blog. I look forward to following you. I miss you my friend but it is so good to see you happy!

  16. Diane
    November 2, 2018 / 3:47 am

    So proud of you!! I love your stories!!!

  17. Le Ann Thurman
    November 2, 2018 / 11:30 am

    Congratulations for starting your blog. It motivates me to finally create mine. I really enjoy your stories and look forward to reading more of your adventures.

  18. Monica
    November 2, 2018 / 2:25 pm

    Hooray! Can’t wait to follow along with Ranch life, and some great recipes too! So glad to see this!

  19. Salih Doughramaji
    November 3, 2018 / 2:23 am

    I’m very excited to catch up with you and your life in Texas. I drove by your old house in Topeka the other day and thought of you. Cheers.

  20. Lynne Baker
    November 14, 2018 / 7:45 am

    Hi, Becki! Joel S. shared this with me. It is GOOD to see your beautiful face again! I’ve missed you! M-I-Z